Friday, September 02, 2005

New Orleans Blog

Thanks to my brother, who sent me the link for this blog, which is operating from the downtown New Orelans Central Business District.


Anonymous said...

Matt sent an email about this blog last night and I had a hard time not reading the whole thing before I went to bed. I thought this was one of the more poignant comments this man wrote (he said this on Monday before any of the levees had broken) In hindsight this seems unthinkable, but I think it speaks to mentality of so many citizens at the time:

11:26 am When you look at the damage New Orleans sustained vs what we were told to expect, you're left with the impression that they will never be able to talk anyone into evacuating again....

underchuckle said...

Good point, Em. Now the exact opposite seems true.

Not knowing what the final death toll will be, it seems probable at this point that it will exceed that of the 9/11 attacks.

Anonymous said...

Lis said:

I saw that blog. Here's some other links you might find interesting:
(Much hurricane blogging.)

(FEMA and Homeland Security's view of the situation vs. people on the ground.)
(An article from four years back predicting this disaster.)
(An article describing how Bush and Co plundered FEMA and SELA funds for the war in Iraq--the levees were supposed to be getting fixed, but much of the funding was withdrawn.)

And China Mieville, science fiction writer, comments on the privatized company who was supposed to be coordinating with FEMA and Homeland Security to assess and fix a hurricane disaster like Katrina.

I think that's enough for right now.
But basically, I am PISSED.