Thursday, February 02, 2006

Anyone Know How to Pronounce 'Boehner'?

I'm referring, of course, to the new House Majority Leader, John Boehner of Ohio. The big question is, does it sound more like Bayner or Boner? I would think the latter, he is a Republican after all. Still, I suppose he's better than having a DeLay disciple like Roy Blunt as leader.

That's another thing - the Post really missed out on a great headline for this piece of news: Boehner Smokes Blunt! I just hope, for the sake of impressionable children everywhere, that he refrained from inhaling.

1 comment:

underchuckle said...

Wait, wait, I gotta better one:

Blunt Shafted by Boehner!
(Film at 11)