Sunday, December 18, 2005

Google Blog Search

I'm just messing around on the computer before bed, so I head on over to , which I've never used before. I type in underchuckle, pultoblog, and a few others I know should be in there. Greg's blog checks out fine, as do a few others; the most recent posts show up. But for some reason Charm City Blogger isn't indexed beyond September 5th. What gives?

The real reason that I was testing Google's blogsearch, is that I found an intriguing new Firefox extension that shows which blogs are linking to the web page that's being visited. So if you're reading an article about our remedial president's speech last night, it will list all the blue-stater blogger rants and red-state raves, all in a convenient pop-up window (easily disabled) in the lower right corner! Neat-O.

1 comment:

underchuckle said...

OK, I think I figured it out. When I had problems with comment spam, I switched my blog from public to private - this was back in late August. So I'm switching it back to public to see if it starts getting indexed again. And I turned on comment verification, so there shouldn't be any spam. You'll just need to confirm the letters from the image when you post a comment from now on.