Saturday, December 24, 2005

Every Once In a While...

...he comes up with something where all you can really say is, "whoa dude, that's some really cool shit!" For those of you who don't check out Grau's blog as often as you should - which is to say, every time you're sitting in front of a computer - don't miss his recent entry, yet more evidence of the Mad Genius of Ryon. Fair warning though, the last photo may be inappropriate for kids, red-staters, small woodland animals, Decepticons, and insecure dudes.


Anonymous said...

"may be inappropriate for kids, red-staters, small woodland animals, Decepticons, and insecure dudes."

can I put that on a T-shirt?

underchuckle said...

Feel free! I come up with witticisms like that all the time, so I've got plenty to spare....