Friday, November 04, 2005

Whole Week of Stuff, Windows Hatred, and More

I just typed up this long entry about my whole week, it was a great post that was all ready to go. So I hit the publish button, and Mozilla crashes. I lose it all. I love Windows machines. They are so fucking fabulous. I need to start saving up my pennies for a PowerBook, that way I can leave all this bullshit behind. Now of course this entry won't be nearly as good, because I'm all pissed off. Hey, if Google owns Blogger, why don't they have an autosave function like they do with Gmail? They do have a 'Recover Post' option, but I'm not sure when it should be used - it didn't work this time. Still, it all goes back to those asses at Microsoft.

Eight days since the last post, but there are reasons for that. Busy last weekend, busy this past week, and now at the start of this weekend, finally getting some breathing room. Let's see, last weekend we received a house guest in the form of my furry little brother Hobbes, my parents' cat, when they left from Baltimore on a Caribbean cruise. He's doing OK, hanging out with Maya and Marty, but the last few days he've definitely been restless. I think he's ready to go home. Halloween party as Liz and Jarriel's last Saturday, I'll have photos up next post. Sunday went to a craptastic DC United playoff game; the home team played about as badly as they possibly could, very disappointing. This week at work was crazy too, since Washington was hosting WEFTEC, the water industry's biggest annual conference/exhibition.

So here I am, a Friday night at home, blogging on the shitty laptop (Jenny/Moonflower is in MC so I can't use the desktop - no, for those not into WoW, I don't have the patience to explain that tonight, sorry). Actually, other than the technical problems, it's been a relaxing evening at home, certainly nothing wrong with that. I did get some painting done earlier, I'm trying to get the dining room finished this weekend. We'll see what happens.

The original, pre-crash post included a short review of The Satanic Verses, which I finished a few days ago on the train ride home. I'll save that for a future post, I just don't feel like re-creating it right now. One more post coming up tonight, Halloween costume pics. I'll be right back...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How bad is the laptop? (I ask out of curiosity, because my laptop is almost two years old, and I use it to play WoW. Granted, I have to keep the textures down a bit, and occasionally things get minorly grinding in the auction house, although nothing like it was in Beta.)

Lee and I started Night Elves on the Dalaran server. We are wee. It's very weird playing as Alliance after all this time as Horde. I keep wanting to yell out, OMG! There's a gnome over here, come kill it, somebody! And BattleGrounds is kinda....weird that way too. We won twice last night. So much fun to be had.

Sorry to hear about the computer woes otherwise. I will say that I miss iCal--and I wish they had a pretty, functional program of that ilk for Windows. (Shhh...don't tell anybody I said that.)