Thursday, June 02, 2005

Is It Stuffy In Here?

I re-read each entry after I post it, and usually go back and do some editing on every post. Most of the time, it's to attempt to make the post friendlier. I have a tendency, especially with serious topics like war, politics, the president (oops, I said serious, so that excludes that asshat), to write like I'm writing an essay for an English class. I don't necessarily think that way, nor do I use that extensive a vocabulary every day - I much prefer grunts and snorts as means of communication - but I re-read some of these entries and wonder what the hell I was thinking when I phrased a certain sentence with 6 commas, or went out of my way to avoid a contraction. I can't promise that I won't lapse into the heavier prose on occasion, but from here on out, I'm really going to try to be more conversational. Well, as conversational as one can be when writing a monologue.

In other news, I re-designed the page layout a bit (mostly link colors, more colors=cool) and added more sites to the LINKS section. I'm also looking to add more sites to the OTHER BLOGS sidebar, so suggestions are welcome. I have a few in mind, but need to ask the owners first. I'm also thinking about removing an inactive blog that's rarely updated (you know who you are) - gotta clean house occasionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can link to my blog. (Although, I don't know if you read it.)