Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Obnoxious Factor

Dan Connolly is completely correct in his latest blog entry (and so far, his readers agree); for the past four years, the Red Sox have not only had more on-field success than the NYY, but their fans that infest Camden Yards nine times per season have definitely surpassed New York fans in obnoxious behavior. It's almost pleasant to go to an O's-Yanks game these days, if only because it ensures than no critical mass of Boston fans will be at the ballpark. How times have changed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, and this is coming from someone who is very ignorant of sports in general and what knowledge I was given as a kid has a genetic pre-disposition to all things New England. Even I think its ridiculus the amount of Sox fans that take up any stadium. My own family being memebers of this group, oh the shame.