Wednesday, January 09, 2008

In Today's Paper

A few weeks ago, days in advance of the receipt of our state property tax assessment for this three-year cycle, I emailed the Baltimore Sun journalist who writes the paper's real estate blog and asked her what became of the Mayor's blue ribbon committee that was formed to study ways of lowering the city's tax rate. Oddly enough, it was released last week, and then as a follow up she ended up calling me and asking some questions for a tax-related story she's working on. I don't think I provided her with any great quotes or particularly new insights, so after the call I figured that my chances of getting into her article were slim. Time will tell, I suppose.

Meanwhile, I decided to package my thoughts on the committee's asinine recommendations in a letter to the editor. Someone from the paper called me Monday to confirm that I was in fact the author of the letter, and also to ask whether I was affiliated with city or state government or any organization with an interest in the property tax issue. was printed in today's edition! Sure, it's not the New York Times, but I'll take it just the same - after all, this is the same editorial page that was once presided over by one H.L. Mencken (we're actually quite close, Mencken and I - every day my train to D.C. passes by the cemetery where he's buried). I even like the way they edited it; I had emailed my letter in one large block paragraph, but it definitely reads better broken up into shorter segments.

1 comment:

Ryon said...

well congrats on the publishment, Mr Brad.