Friday, April 06, 2007

Iraq Funding

The majority of commentators - online, on TV, wherever - seem to think that it's a foregone conclusion that the Democrat-controlled Congress will roll over on Iraq funding, and eventually strip withdrawal deadlines out of their funding bills. Why? Pelosi and Reid can hammer away at Bush's upcoming vetoes as the real obstacle to funding, just as easily as he can hammer them. And if the majority of Americans want us out of Iraq, why would cutting off funding be so terrible? It's not like the troops are getting all the armor and equipment they need anyway. So much of that money is going to contractors, that the most serious damage a funding cut-off can do is cut into the profit margins of companies like Blackwater. And are the soldiers who are over in Iraq getting shot and bombed really rooting for more funding to come through, so they can stay in the war zone longer? I know it's about politics more than anything, and I know I'm simplifying this a great deal, but I just don't see the downside for the Democrats or the troops if the funding is cut off.

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