Thursday, January 19, 2006

Now That's Some Good Mileage

I found this company through WIRED News' Autopia blog; they're building a hybrid car that gets 330 MPG. Sure beats the hell out of the Prius!

(Haven't posted in a while b/c I've been bothered by a cold over the past week, and thus haven't felt suitably inspired. Almost back to 100%, so entries should be back to their usual frequency, whatever that may be.)


Greg Pultorak said...

No chance that car reaches 330 mpg - Also no chance that it would cost less than a few million bucks. We need research into real ideas - not pie in the sky bullshit.

underchuckle said...

To my knowledge, Greg is neither an auto industry lobbyist, nor is he personally opposed to scientific innovation or to a clean environment.

He's just an angry guy, simple as that. So please, don't be alarmed.