Monday, March 09, 2009

Dodged a Bullet

I called in yesterday to the U.S. District Court's automated juror line, to find out if I would need to report for jury selection today. Fortunately, I was excused from jury duty, perhaps because of my responses on the juror questionnaire concerning the death penalty, and that there were no circumstances under which I vote to impose the it, given a conviction.

Well, I turned on the TV this morning before leaving for work, and every single local news channel featured a story on this trial! Every station's story also mentioned that the judge had decided to keep jurors' identities secret, out of concerns for their safety. So my being "soft on crime" may have lead to an improvement in my personal safety!

Here's another article about the trial that has more on the decision to grant anonymity to the jurors.


Anonymous said...

Whoa. Glad you didn't have to serve on that jury. Probably would've kept you busy for weeks!

Ryon said...

... brush with .. if not death, then...