Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Infamous Men's Room

Funny sometimes how real life can intersect with the news. For example, yesterday afternoon before I caught my train back to Baltimore, I availed myself of the Union Station men's room, the very same men's room (maybe - there's also one on the lower level) that the distinguished gentleman from Idaho allegedly availed himself of, although in a much more intimate manner. Don't worry, I didn't venture into any of the stalls, and as always I thoroughly washed my hands afterwards. Those hypocrite "family values" Republican germs tend to linger, you know.


Greg Pultorak said...

Do you have a "wide stance" as well?

underchuckle said...

Well, I was at a urinal, so it's a bit different, but yeah, the adjacent urinals were basically closed for business while I was standing there.