Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Beer Tax

Now I'm not a fan of super-conservative PA Senator Rick Santorum (based on past comments, he's proven himself to be - gasp! - somewhat of a bigot). So it's always nice to discover a Republican who is not, in fact, pure evil. Santorum introduced a bill last month that would reduce the dreaded Beer Tax. And several other Republican Senators were co-sponsors.

What I'd like to know though, is why this didn't make the front pages of all the papers. Our priorities in this country are so out of whack. Some of you may be thinking, "Hey, it's only beer. And I didn't even know that there WAS a tax, so the tax can't be that bad!" WRONG. The tax is built into the price (like fuel taxes), and can be up to 44% of that price! Besides, it's a luxury tax - should any product made by Budweiser, Coors, or Miller really be considered a 'luxury' item?

The Beer Tax - another reason why the terrorists have already won. Why does our Federal Government hate Beer/Freedom?

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